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Autor/inOrtiz, Joseph
TitelAn Instructional Approach for Minimizing Stage Fright: Insights from Buss' Theory of Audience Anxiety.
Quelle(1988), (17 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Audience Awareness; Communication Apprehension; Higher Education; Public Speaking; Speech Instruction; Teaching Methods; Theory Practice Relationship
AbstractEffective instructional approaches for dealing with stage fright can be developed by examining A. H. Buss's theory of audience anxiety. Buss argues that audience anxiety correlates with feelings of self-consciousness, characteristics of the audience, and the novelty of the speaking role. From his perspective, the experience of anxiety is divided into three time intervals: (1) evaluation anxiety, occurring days to moments before the event; (2) self-consciousness, occurring in the first one or two minutes of the presentation; and (3) awareness of the novelty of the situation when viewing the audience from a speaker's perspective. This theory is useful in three ways. First, it presents a framework for helping students to understand the experience of fear in the public speaking arena. Second, the theory helps to organize and place into a larger context some of the strategies that are often suggested for minimizing stage fright. Finally, the theory suggests some instructional strategies that instructors can use in teaching the public speaking course. These strategies include situational analysis, visualization strategies, and relaxation techniques. These approaches are most useful for the "normal presenter," that is, the public speaker who experiences nervousness but is not dysfunctional and/or cross-situational. (Appendixes consist of structured and unstructured demonstration speech assignments and common textbook suggestions of ways to reduce stage fright. Sixteen references are also attached.) (MM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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