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Autor/inn/enCrosby, Glenn; und weitere
InstitutionWashington State Univ., Pullman.
TitelChemistry Lectures and Laboratories. A Model to Improve Preservice Elementary Science Teacher Development. Volume III.
Quelle(1988), (90 Seiten)
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BeigabenIllustrationen; Tabellen
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lernender; Chemistry; College Science; Course Content; Course Descriptions; Curriculum Development; Elementary Education; Elementary School Science; Experiential Learning; Higher Education; Preservice Teacher Education; Science Education; Science Experiments; Science Teachers; Science Tests; Teacher Education Curriculum; Teaching Methods
AbstractA group of scientists and science educators of Washington State University has developed and pilot tested an integrated physical science program designed for preservice elementary school teachers. This document includes the syllabus and class materials for the Chemistry block of the physical science courses developed by the group. Included are diagrams, lecture notes, laboratory exercises and evaluation materials to be used with the course. Topics include: (1) laboratory burners; (2) glassworking; (3) balances; (4) measuring length; (5) density; (6) heat; (7) physical and chemical changes of iron in air; (8) generation and properties of oxygen; (9) generation and properties of carbon dioxide; (10) simple acid/base chemistry; (11) experiments with iron; and (12) preparation of natural indicators. A section on biochemistry is included. Appendices contain information on proper techniques and lists of supplies. (CW)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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