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Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Sonst. PersonenBilson, Barbara (Hrsg.); Ryan, Kevin J. (Hrsg.)
InstitutionEnglish Council of the California Two-Year Colleges.
TitelInside English: Journal of the English Council of the California Two-Year Colleges; Vol. XI, Nos. 1-4, October 1983, December 1983, March 1984, and June 1984.
Quelle11 (1984) 1-4, (42 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterBasic Skills; College English; College Faculty; Community Colleges; Critical Thinking; English Instruction; English (Second Language); Holistic Approach; Interdisciplinary Approach; Literature; Remedial Instruction; Student Motivation; Student Placement; Teacher Attitudes; Teaching Methods; Two Year Colleges; Writing (Composition); Writing Evaluation; Writing Exercises; Writing Processes; Writing Skills
AbstractDesigned primarily for English faculty at two-year colleges in California, "Inside English" includes articles on instructional innovations in teaching remedial writing, literature courses, and freshman composition, and on major curricular, administrative, and employment issues in the field. The four issues of volume 11 include the following feature articles: (1) "Rx Holism: Just What the Patient Ordered," by Dennis J. Hook; (2) "Exchange Teacher Tell Us: What's the Difference between Here and There," by Kerry Renshaw; (3) "Writing across the Curriculum: Caring Is Not Enough," by Fred H. Fischer; (4) "Of Failure: What--Or Whom--Do Writing Samples Sample?" by Richard Tracey; (5) "Pedagogy and Productivity," by John C. Lovas; (6) "Critical Thinking: Defining the Critter and Staking Out Its Territory," by Marlys Mayfield; (7) "A Change of Pace and a Change of Attitude: Redwood Writing Project '83," by William K. Hoopes; (8) "Writing across the Curriculum: Raising Student Literacy AND Faculty Morale," by Susan H. McLeod; (9) "Teaching Teachers: Resistance and Writing across the Curriculum," by Judith R. Hert; (10) "It's Not My Job: A Cross-Discipline Solution to Basic Skills Development," by Barbara Davis and Linda Luvaas-Briggs; (11) "Community Colleges and the MLA (Modern Language Association)"; (12) "Workshopping: The Only Way to Go," by John F. Parker; (13) "Block Enrichment Programs: A Solution to the Literacy Problems of Motivated Students," by Connie Missimer; and (14) "Johnny Needs to Write... And Write... And Write," by David Peck. (AYC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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