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Sonst. PersonenBurton, Leon H. (Hrsg.); Thomson, William (Hrsg.)
InstitutionHawaii Univ., Honolulu. Curriculum Research and Development Group.
TitelMusic: Comprehensive Musicianship Program. Teacher Text. Grade 6.
Quelle(1982), (346 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Applied Music; Curriculum Guides; Grade 6; Instructional Materials; Intermediate Grades; Lesson Plans; Music Activities; Music Appreciation; Music Education; Music Reading; Music Techniques; Musical Instruments; Resource Units; Singing; Songs; Teaching Guides; Vocal Music; Hawaii
AbstractThe goals of this teacher edition, which accompanies "Music: Comprehensive Musicianship Program. Grade 6," include increasing musical understanding while developing musical skills. The 49 lessons included feature: (1) a wide range of musical concepts; (2) the presentation of musical concepts in a teaching chronology; (3) a broad musical repertoire of different cultures, styles, and historical periods; (4) various approaches to musical experiences; and (5) avenues by which all students may participate in some type of musical activity. The first 10 lessons review concepts and skills learned in the lower grades, while the remaining 39 introduce new musical learning experiences. Each lesson has a contents section which includes concepts to be taught, student learning objectives, and specific musical activities. Some include worksheets which, along with the student objectives, are used to monitor student progress. All lesson pages of the student edition are included, and materials and equipment needed for each lesson are listed. Appendices include: (1) a glossary of musical terminology; (2) definitions of musical concepts; (3) pronunciation guides; (4) ukulele and recorder fingering charts; and (5) both a classified subject and an alphabetical index of included songs. Photographs and musical scores are included. (JHP)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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