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Autor/inCook, Stephen
InstitutionArkansas State Energy Office, Little Rock.
TitelAchieving Self-Reliance: Backyard Energy Lessons.
Quelle(1984), (156 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAlternative Energy Sources; Construction (Process); Costs; Energy Conservation; Solar Energy; Wind Energy; Arkansas
AbstractAppropriate technology (the process most appropriate for local cultural, economic, and social conditions) is geared toward projects which: are small in scale, decentralized, and energy efficient; use local materials, labor, and ingenuity; are not capital-intensive; and maximize the use of renewable energy resources. Descriptions of such projects (carried out between 1979 and 1983 in Arkansas) are presented under six headings: (1) retrofits for conservation; (2) active solar energy; (3) passive solar energy; (4) wind and photovoltaics; (5) biomass; and (6) energy center. Included with the descriptions are: sources for additional information; pictures, drawings, and charts for clearer understanding; instructions to follow when building or assembling various devices; rough dollars-and-cents evaluations; and the experiences of the individuals completing the projects. It is assumed that individuals reading this book have some knowledge of basic terms, processes, and applications in alternate-energy technology. These individuals include people who wish to lower their energy bills and increase their self-reliance and people with some technical training who are interested in engineering and design aspects of these technologies, as well as economic concerns. (JN)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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