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Autor/inn/enMentkowski, Marcia; und weitere
InstitutionAlverno Coll., Milwaukee, WI.
TitelDeveloping a Professional Competence Model for Management Education. Final Report, Research Report Number Ten.
Quelle(1982), (325 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrators; Business Administration Education; College Curriculum; Competence; Competency Based Education; Educational Objectives; Females; Higher Education; Job Performance; Management Development; Models; Occupational Surveys; Performance Factors; Personnel Evaluation; Research Methodology; Work Attitudes
AbstractAbilities or competences that ensure effective managerial performance were studied, and a model of effective managerial performance was developed. Performance, perceptions, and careering and professional development of 103 women managers and executives from 53 Milwaukee private corporations were described using a recently developed performance measurement system. In addition to the competence model, over 500 behavioral examples that can be used in instruction and assessment were obtained. Women managers were found to demonstrate intellectual and entrepreneurial abilities to the same degree as they showed interpersonal abilities. Based on factor, cluster, and path analyses, it was determined that competences are largely independent of each other but some are best learned in sequence. For example, a manager's ability to initiate rests on intellectual skills. It is concluded that education should include learning to integrate abilities, to test them in a range of work situations, and to critically appraise one's performance. In addition, it is suggested that there are broad competences that will generalize across situations and contexts. Information is included on the study methodology and the research instruments, which are appended. (Author/SW)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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