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Autor/inLove, Rebecca
TitelSupervisory Behaviors of Secondary Vocational-Technical Center Directors as Self-Perceived and as Perceived by Selected Faculty Members.
Quelle(1983), (22 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdministrator Attitudes; Secondary Education; Self Evaluation (Individuals); Supervision; Supervisory Methods; Teacher Attitudes; Technical Education; Vocational Directors; Vocational Education; Vocational Education Teachers; Vocational Training Centers; Mississippi
AbstractThis study investigated the behaviors of secondary vocational-technical center directors as self-perceived and as perceived by selected faculty members. The population studied consisted of all the secondary vocational-technical center directors in Mississippi and three teachers in each center, who participated in a statewide summer conference endorsed by the Mississippi Department of Vocational-Technical Education. Sixty-nine directors and 235 teachers were queried through the Supervisory Behavior Description Questionnaire; responses were received from 58 administrators and 123 teachers. The questionnaire is an ordinal scale that rates three dimensions: directive, collaborative, and nondirective styles of behavior. Demographic variables were also considered. Some of the results were interpreted as follows: (1) the study indicated that vocational-technical center teachers perceived supervisory practices as less directive than did vocational-technical center administrators; (2) teachers and directors with previous supervisory experience perceived supervisory practices as more directive than did teachers and directors without previous supervisory experience; (3) educators in centers employing a staff larger than 12 people perceived supervisory practices as more collaborative than did educators in smaller centers; (4) teachers and administrators over 56 years of age perceived supervisory practices as more collaborative than younger respondents did; (5) respondents holding degrees higher than the master's level perceived supervisory practices as more directive than did those with lesser degrees; and (6) years of teaching experience did not relate to perceived supervisory behaviors. Since the study indicated that considerable difference exists in the perceptions held by administrators and teachers concerning the administrative pattern in vocational-technical centers, it was suggested that an effort be made to resolve those differences to promote more productive work. (KC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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