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Autor/inHenderson, William Edward, Jr.
InstitutionGreenville County School District, Greenville, SC.; Greenville Technical Coll., SC.
TitelArticulated, Performance-Based Instruction Objectives Guide for Building Construction/Carpentry. Final Document. Revised.
Quelle(1983), (423 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Articulation (Education); Behavioral Objectives; Blueprints; Building Trades; Cabinetmaking; Carpentry; Competency Based Education; Construction (Process); Criterion Referenced Tests; Curriculum Guides; Finishing; Floor Layers; Flooring; High Schools; Industrial Arts; Secondary Education; Trade and Industrial Education
AbstractDeveloped during a project designed to provide continuous, performance-based vocational training at the secondary and postsecondary levels, this instructional guide is intended to help teachers implement a laterally and vertically articulated secondary level building construction/carpentry program. Introductory materials include descriptions of Building Construction I and II, descriptions of the postsecondary carpentry program, postsecondary course descriptions, standards applicable to Building Construction I and II, discussion of sample tests provided in the guide, and suggested instructional time. Topics covered in the 25 units include an introduction; safety; math; blueprint reading; hand tools; fasteners, finishing, and hardware; power tools; site layout; footings and foundations; framing; roofing; finishing; stair construction; cabinets and built-ins; cabinetmaking, built-ins, and finishing specialization; mechanical and masonry rough-ins, finishing, and completion; finished carpentry tasks; estimating materials and costs; practical application projects; job leadership; and career opportunities. Suggested instructional time and task listings begin each unit. For each task in a unit, some or all of the following are provided: performance objectives, performance actions, performance standards, recommended sources, related technical information, and other information the teacher might need. Suggested outcome-referenced tests have been interspersed throughout the text, immediately following the unit to which they apply. Appendixes include proficiency reports, articulation materials, definitions, and test directions. (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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