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Autor/inn/enUpcraft, M. Lee; und weitere
TitelLearning to Be a Residence Assistant: A Manual for Effective Participation in the Training Program. First Edition. The Jossey-Base Series in Higher Education.
Quelle(1982), (160 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; College Students; Dormitories; Higher Education; Job Training; Leadership Training; Program Evaluation; Program Implementation; Questionnaires; Resident Assistants; Student Development; Student Personnel Workers; Supervision; Training Methods; Training Objectives; Vocabulary
AbstractA comprehensive guide on learning to become a resident hall assistant (RA) is presented; it is directed purposefully toward the trainee, and is to be used in conjunction with a training session. Chapters include: (1) "Roles and Responsibilities of a Resident Assistant"--what the scope of the RA job involves, how to use this manual, and what RAs should consider before accepting the position; (2) "Overview of the Training Program and Its Objectives"--training program content and closure, outline of the training sessions, course format and evaluation, program instructors, and program effectiveness; (3) "Understanding Students' Academic, Intellectual, and Personal Growth during College" (part 1 of the program itself); (4) "Self-Awareness as the Basis of Effective Interpersonal Relationships" (part 2 of the program); (5) "Testing and Improving Interpersonal Skills for Effective Leadership" (part 3); (6) "Developing and Applying Group Leadership Skills" (part 4). The final chapter offers suggestions for RAs. They are advised to: work hard at getting off to a good start; use their personal skills; build up and practice their leadership skills; understand what is expected of them; get to know their supervisor; attend to their own needs; maintain their motivation; take the initiative; be confident; and enjoy the job. The following training program aids are provided: instructor's evaluation of trainee, instructor's prediction of future RA performance, trainee's evaluation of instructor and the program, and vocabulary of affective adjectives. (LC)
AnmerkungenJossey-Bass Inc., 433 California St., Suite 1000, San Francisco, CA 94104 ($10.95).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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