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Autor/inThompson, Mark E.
TitelThe Creative Influence: What Is It?
Quelle(1982), (30 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Classroom Environment; Creative Development; Creative Expression; Creative Thinking; Creativity; Creativity Research; Discovery Processes; Educational Needs; Foundations of Education; Intelligence; Personality Traits; Self Expression; Technology
AbstractThe concept of creativity has many attributes and is a significant factor in our lives. Creative persons are observant, express part-truths, see things as others do not, are independent in cognitive faculties, are motivated by their talent and values, can hold many ideas at once, have greater sex drive, see a complex world, and have strong egos. Creative persons are often unpopular with teachers, find it difficult to conform within institutional settings, live with anxiety, tend to make deviant scores on personality tests, have some relationship to mental illness, are productive at self-initiated activities, and have creative encounters. Understanding and fostering creativity is one of the most significant but least understood aspects of the educational system. It is impossible to determine the level of creative potential within an individual. A major accomplishment of our system is to allow the seeds of creativity to be sown, for creative influence, are nourished by institutions that promote freedom of expression. In the classroom, creative behavior is often prompted by giving students opportunities to learn in many ways but suited to their motivation and abilities. The technological system we live under threatens the creative influence, since it's the antithesis of it. The creative spirit is not a panacea for all our problems, but a creative person can demonstrate a mastery over random events. (NE)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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