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Autor/inKemmis, Stephen
TitelProgram Evaluation in Distance Education: Against the Technologisation of Reason.
Quelle(1980), (32 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Correspondence Study; Critical Thinking; Cultural Context; Educational Objectives; Elementary Secondary Education; Evaluation Criteria; Extension Education; Higher Education; Literature Reviews; Models; Philosophy; Program Evaluation; Trend Analysis
AbstractTrends within the literature on program evaluation are reviewed and the implications of various trends for education are explored, with particular relevance for distance education. Distance education is an alternative educational approach based on correspondence, broadcasting, and long distance communication between teacher and student in a non-home based study study situation. Two major trends are identified--first, the trend toward the technologisation of reason (i.e., the acceptance of problem solutions by experts), and second, a trend toward concern with preserving a human dimension (i.e., convivality). With regard to educational evaluation, these trends have their counterparts in the move toward technical/quantitative assessment of performance and objectives and in the increasing interest in more individualized and responsive evaluation methodology. A new model is proposed to counteract shortcomings of these types of evaluation models and of other models in widespread use today (engineering models, ecological models, democratic models, illuminative/responsive models, etc.). This new model, based on evaluation as self-reflection and convivality, comes closer than any of the other models to patterning what people do in ordinary situations when they try to evaluate without the aid of specialists. Specifically, the evaluation as self-reflection model stresses rationality, autonomy and responsibility, the community of interests among participants in a specific program, value differences, explicit rules which govern procedures, and appropriate methods for evaluating the specific program or curriculum being studied. The conclusion is that this self-reflective evaluation model can help educators recognize one another's (and students) social being and develop a perspective which is more critical and reflective and less dominated by purely technical solutions. (DB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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