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Autor/inStilson, Jan
TitelHow to Set Up a Resource Center to be Compatible with an Outdoor Program.
Quelle(1979), (9 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Design; Experiential Learning; Facility Planning; Facility Requirements; Information Centers; Instructional Materials; Learning Resources Centers; Material Development; Models; Nature Centers; Outdoor Education; Resource Centers; Resource Materials
AbstractA materials collection can provide indirect experiences that will supplement the direct learning experiences offered by an outdoor education nature center. The Instructional Materials Center at Lorado Taft Field Campus provides such multiple learning experiences as it offers print media as well as slides, films, tapes, and projection and field equipment. The center serves a clientele ranging from school children to university faculty. All grade levels of materials at Taft feature a concentration of information on natural science, environmental/energy awareness, conservation, camping, and education, particularly outdoor education. The areas of folklore, American Indians, arts and crafts and prairie preservation also receive emphasis to a somewhat lesser degree. Organization of an outdoor education resource center should include: (1) location in a centrally situated room; (2) like items placed together, e.g. field equipment on a peg board, media with media; (3) pamphlets and brochures placed in file folders organized by subject; (4) index cards on all materials in the center. Sources for collection materials include government and professional organizations, publisher's catalogs, and bookstore inventory lists. The focus of the collection should remain directed toward the needs of the center's program so that the indoor instruction materials will coordinate and support the lessons to be learned from the outdoor resources. (DS)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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