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Autor/inFinkelhor, David
TitelA Survey of Sexual Abuse in the Population at Large: Some Policy Implications.
Quelle(1978), (10 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterChild Abuse; Child Welfare; Children; Family Problems; Family Violence; Homosexuality; Parent Child Relationship; Rape; Sexual Abuse
AbstractSurvey information shows that sexual abuse of children is widespread, being reported by 19% of the females and 9% of the males in the sample. Most sexual victimization took place within the child's family, not with strangers, as "child molesters" have traditionally been stereotyped. While the problem cuts across social and economic lines, it seems to be more prevalent in families of lower social class and rural backgrounds, indicating that social isolation may play a key role in victimization and family violence. Mothers are crucial in protecting their daughters from sexual abuse; girls whose mothers were absent, ill, poorly educated or alcoholic were much more likely to be victimized. Children were most vulnerable prior to puberty, and most of them did not reveal the experience to anyone at the time it occurs. Experiences involving force were much more traumatic than those not involving force. (Author/BP)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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