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Autor/inn/enHenderson, Ronald W.; Swanson, Rosemary
InstitutionArizona Univ., Tucson. Arizona Center for Educational Research and Development.
TitelThe Effects of Televised Instruction and Ancillary Support System on the Development of Cognitive Skills in Papago Native-American Children.
Quelle(1975), (177 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCognitive Development; Cognitive Processes; Compensation (Concept); Concept Formation; Conservation (Concept); Educational Television; Learning Processes; Perceptual Development; Predictor Variables; Preschool Children; Preschool Education; Programing (Broadcast); Serial Learning; Television Curriculum; Television Research; Tohono O Odham People
AbstractA second year of experimental research on young children examined the instructional power of television in facilitating the acquisition of cognitive skills. In addition, researchers investigated the efficiency of an instructional support system designed to maximize the results of educational television. Subjects were three- to five-year-old Native American children attending Head Start centers on the Papago Reservation in Arizona. The four experimental studies undertaken demonstrated that programed television presentations can influence complex cognitive capabilities in preschool children. Sequentially structured televised instruction based on social learning principles was differentially effective for different cognitive tasks and for different age groups. It was concluded that with a skill such as seriation where perceptual cues are clear, TV modeling of the rules and strategies may be sifficient to teach the concept. Enumeration and conservation skills showed a gradient 0-age-related additive value attributable to direct instruction designed to supplement the TV presentations. One implication of these results was that, in general, a single approach in programing may not be equally effective for the teaching of all kinds of conceptual rules, and direct instruction may be necessary to supplement televised instruction for young children. (CH)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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