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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionHawaii Univ., Honolulu. Education Research and Development Center.
TitelHawaii Career Development Continuum: Curriculum Guide For Grades 4 through 6.
[Report No.: TAC-74-8226
Quelle(1974), (263 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Career Awareness; Career Development; Career Education; Citizenship Responsibility; Curriculum Guides; Economics Education; Educational Objectives; Elementary Education; Grade 4; Grade 5; Grade 6; Learning Activities; Learning Experience; Models; Resource Materials; Self Actualization; Social Development; State Curriculum Guides; Systems Approach
AbstractThe guide is one of a series for a statewide career education development project in Hawaii, based on a conceptual framework encompassing grades K-14. An introductory section in each guide includes directions for users; rationale for the project; a conceptual model (areas of individual growth, sequences of experience, and components of the environment that are necessary for career development); and goals, subgoals, and objectives of career development. Also contained in each guide is a description of the systems approach used in planning and administering the project, illustrated by a flowchart. An appendix contains bibliographies of books and periodicals; lists of kits and games; sources of information on occupations; lists of films, slides, filmstrips, and transparencies and their publishers; and a glossary. Each guide is separately subject-indexed. The learning experiences section comprises about half the document and includes appropriate material presented separately for grades 4-6. For each of four topics (self-realization, economic efficiency, social relationships, and civic responsibility) a goal is presented, subdivided into subgoals and learner objectives. For each of the subdivisions, several learning experiences are offered, linked to academic subject areas and with suggestions for evaluation. (MDW)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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