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Autor/inn/enWebb, Earl S.; Knotts, Clifton Don
InstitutionTexas A and M Univ., College Station. Dept. of Agricultural Education.
TitelAgricultural Mechanical Skills Needed by Farmers in Texas.
Quelle(1970), (15 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAgricultural Education; Agricultural Engineering; Agricultural Skills; Educational Programs; Farmers; Mechanical Skills; Program Development; Questionnaires; Secondary School Curriculum; Statewide Planning; Vocational Education; Young Farmer Education; Texas
AbstractThis study identified skills that should be taught in the agricultural mechanics area of production vocational agriculture courses in Texas high schools. The data were obtained from questionnaires given to 50 young farmers who had been recognized by the State Association of Young Farmers of Texas for outstanding farming programs during one of the five years, 1964 through 1969. Forty-six people or 92 per cent returned completed questionnaires. The objectives of the questionnaire were to determine the level of importance of selected mechanical skills needed by successful farmers, to determine the association of selected variables (type of farming, size of farming business, age, and education) with the level of importance assigned to selected mechanical skills needed by farmers, and to formulate recommendations for establishing priorities for the selection of skills that should be taught in the mechanical area of courses in vocational agriculture. (KP)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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