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Erweiterte Literatursuche

Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionMinnesota Univ., Minneapolis. Project Social Studies Curriculum Center.
TitelTeacher's Guide to the Ninth Grade Course on Our Economic System and Socioeconomic Problems.
Quelle(1968), (75 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBehavioral Objectives; Capitalism; Charts; Concept Teaching; Course Organization; Economics Education; Grade 9; Inquiry; Projects; Secondary Education; Skill Development; Social Studies; Social Systems; Socioeconomic Influences; Teaching Guides; Teaching Methods; Units of Study
AbstractThis teacher's guide for a ninth grade course on the American economic system includes description of six units of study: 1) The United States: An Affluent Society; 2) The American Economy: How Our Economic System Works; 3) Farm Problems; 4) The Auto Industry; 5) Poverty in the United States; and 6) units on Political Campaigns and Elections and The Middle East: An Area Study which alternate in election and non-election years. Behavioral goals, skills, objectives and goals related to concepts and generalizations are identified. Charts appended to the guide indicate specifically the way in which all goals are developed in the different units. Suggested teaching strategies based on the inquiry approach to teaching are included together with references to background papers on inquiry techniques. The guide is concluded with description of adapting the resource units to specific courses. Related documents are: SO 005 452 through SO 005 457. (SHM)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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