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Autor/inn/enPeterson, Marla; und weitere
InstitutionEastern Illinois Univ., Charleston. Center for Educational Studies.
TitelBibliography of K-6 Career Education Materials for the Enrichment of Teacher and Counselor Competencies (ETC. Project).
Quelle(1972), (201 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAnnotated Bibliographies; Audiovisual Aids; Career Awareness; Career Development; Career Education; Career Exploration; Curriculum Guides; Educational Research; Elementary Education; Instructional Materials; Measurement Instruments; Program Development; Teaching Guides; Textbooks
AbstractPrepared for staff of the Enrichment of Teacher and Counselor Competencies in Career Education (ETC) Project but of use to local school personnel in developing K-6 career education programs, this annotated bibliography contains career education materials found through a review of research reports, articles in professional journals, and commercially and non-commercially published materials. Entries are arranged according to these categories: (1) Theory, Rationale, Philosophy, which includes professional materials listed alphabetically by author or title, (2) Non-Commercial Materials, which includes curriculum guides, projects, and units listed alphabetically by state, (3) Commercial Materials, which contains books and audiovisual materials listed according to types of packaging (films, books, etc.) and content relating to self-development, world of work, and occupational clusters, (4) Measurement and Evaluation Instruments, which lists instruments for measurement of self-awareness and occupational interest in young children, and (5) Bibliographies. In addition to titles and author(s), each entry contains publication information and an annotation, which was either written by ETC staff or was reproduced from abstracts appearing in "Research in Education" (RIE), "Abstracts of Instructional Materials in Vocational and Technical Education" (AIM), or "Abstracts of Research Materials in Vocational and Technical Education" (ARM). (SB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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