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Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

InstitutionUrban Systems Research and Engineering, Inc., Cambridge, MA.
TitelThe Impact of Five Rural Concentrated Employment Programs.
Quelle(1971), (234 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterDisadvantaged; Employment Programs; Job Training; Labor Force Development; Models; Program Evaluation; Program Improvement; Rural Development; Rural Economics; Rural Environment; Vocational Education
AbstractThis report delineates and analyzes the impact of the rural Concentrated Employment Programs (CEP) operating in Arkansas, Maine, Minnesota, New Mexico, and Tennessee. First funded in fiscal year 1967, the CEP's were designed as an efficient and effective system for providing coordinated manpower services to the disadvantaged. At the end of 1967, there were 19 CEP's, two of which were located in rural areas. Presently, there are 80 CEP's, 13 of which are rural. These rural CEP's have cumulatively enrolled over 40,000 participants and had, in 1 year, over $70 million obligated for provision of their services. Specifically, this report (1) contains a detailed analysis of the cultural, social and economic characteristics of the rural CEP's, (2) analyzes the strategy and structure of the CEP's within this environment, (3) delineates and analyzes the impact of the CEP on its participants, the rural employers, other agencies and social-political forces in the rural environment, (4) analyzes the observed impact, and (5) contains the recommended modifications of the rural CEP model. (Author/JS)
AnmerkungenNational Technical Information Service, Operations Division, Springfield, Virginia 22151 (PB 199 657, MF $0.95; see catalog for hard copy price)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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