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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inde Leeuw, Gary J.
InstitutionTexas Univ., Austin. Research and Development Center for Teacher Education.
TitelThe Sample-Study: An Inquiry-Oriented, Case Study Approach in Geography Instruction.
[Report No.: R-S-31
Quelle(1969), (30 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCase Studies; Comparative Education; Elementary Education; Elementary School Students; Elementary School Teachers; Geographic Concepts; Geographic Regions; Geography; Geography Instruction; Induction; Inquiry; Social Studies; Teaching Methods
AbstractThe use of the case study in geography instruction has at least a 100 year history, but sample studies are relatively new. They are widely used in some British Commonwealth countries, but none are published or used in America. Sample studies deal with small regions by presenting maps, photography, charts, graphs, accounts of interviews with residents, and other first hand data. Students are led to interpret these data as geographers. The concrete nature of the materials makes sample studies particularly suited for elementary school students. A bibliography of four categories of sample studies materials is listed in Appendix A. Listed are 10 volumes of inquiry-oriented sample studies; 16 volumes of mixed expository and inquiry-oriented sample studies; 20 volumes of expository sample studies; and, 26 volumes of case studies similar to sample studies materials. All are Canadian and British except for one American volume of case studies. (DJB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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