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Autor/inSchulz, Petra
TitelVom Anderen als vielleicht Eigenem. Und umgekehrt.
Eine blicksrtistische Perspektive.
QuelleIn: Zeitschrift für Pädagogik und Theologie, 66 (2014) 3, S. 272-282Infoseite zur Zeitschrift
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
ISSN1437-7160; 2366-7796
SchlagwörterKommunikation; Fachdidaktik; Kunst; Religionsunterricht; Konfessionslosigkeit; Religion
AbstractThe challenge to move between one's own and not one's own, between familiar and the other - interpersonal and intrapersonal - arises not only within the discussion about confessionalism and "konfessionelle Ungebundenheit" (confessional freedom). It also arises in several contexts, for example, in the encounter with age, disease, and death. This essay is concerned with the awareness of exemplary configurations. This is shown under a "blickartistical" perspective using the example of the religious educational project "FaltenRiss - Alter neu sehen". "BlickArt - ist-Religion - als-Kunst" is a religious didactical approach which is led by the idea of opening up strange perspectives and entwining worlds. "Blickartistik" motivates us to participate in the religious communication in our society through the awareness and exploration of one's own inconsistency as well as one's diversity of experience. Thus, dealing with it can be seen as a chance to develop religious communication skills for those who want to impart and inseminate (the Christian) Religion.
Erfasst vonComenius-Institut, Münster
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