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Autor/inTamosauskas, Povilas
TitelStudentu fizinio ugdymo kaitos pedagoginiai ir psichologiniai ypatumai.
Gefälligkeitsübersetzung: Pädagogisch-psychologische Aspekte der Veränderung der Sporterziehung der Studenten.
QuelleIn: Sporto mokslas, (2012) 1, S. 2-8
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Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterLerninhalt; Lernziel; Sport; Sportpsychologie; Sportpädagogik; Student; Litauen
AbstractPedagogical-psychological aspects of the alteration of students' physical education have been analysed. In order to achieve the purpose the following tasks have been raised: to define the objectives, tasks and principles of physical education and to analyse the peculiarities of the content of pedagogical-psychological activities of physical education. The method of the analysis of the principles of pedagogical-psychological activities has been chosen. During the whole Independence period the physical training practice, which developed under utilitarian, pragmatic conditions, hasn't been consolidated as a true value in students' mind. Students were not satisfied with the compulsory education as the main form of physical education. The following drawbacks specific to students' physical training practice have been determined: 1) compulsory physical education limits students' choice opportunities of the content and form; 2) shortage of the conceptual, theoretically-proven physical education programs; 3) prevailing autocratic lecturer-student relationship; 4) poor material basis and insufficient medical care. Based on students opinion poll there was a necessity to move to a more democratic physical education and to enable students to freely choose training facilities according to their needs, interests and intentions. Physical education as an optional subject requires reconsidering objectives, tasks and principles, pedagogical-psychological aspects of the education content. The principles of general education reconstruction: humanity, democracy and change were considered while defining the objectives of students' pedagogical-psychological activities. The basic aim of physical education in the context of alteration while considering the students' personality as an absolute value, by means of physical training facilities, is to develop physical and mental powers according to individual capabilities, needs and intentions and to establish conditions to seek for mature physical education. While achieving this purpose the main tasks are as follows: 1) to encourage the development of versatile physical and mental powers by providing wider choice of opportunities for physical training facilities; 2) to develop healthy living basics; 3) provide knowledge about physical training values, improve individual sports and training literacy; 4) to develop individual sport and exercise capabilities and skills; 5) to nurture virtuous and emotional culture of physical education. Subjective origin of physical training is the main physical training parameter. Needs, hobbies and interests have the priority against other training objectives from the physical education system. In this context autocratic control methods must be eliminated in the pedagogical activity. A student cannot be considered as a training object, following lecturer's instructions; the purpose of training is to organize activities, to disclose immanent powers, which will help fully fulfil one's potential (K. Rogers, 1968; A. Maslow, 1971). It is necessary to achieve: 1) sincere cooperation with the student, encouraging the development of intellectual, emotional and willpower potential; 2) giving help to students in perceiving their problems, self-development objectives and transform them into activity motives; 3) cooperation with students in order to make them take responsibility for their activities. Partnership, democratic communication style and standards of human relationship are the most important aspects of the pedagogical activity. Decentralization of the training content is one of the most important dialectic properties in case of democratization and humanization of the process of physical training. Thus it is possible to individualize and differentiate education content. While assessing student, attention is paid to their ability to objectively evaluate themselves. Inadequacy between objective and subjective assessment often causes problematic situations. Verf.-Referat.
Erfasst vonBundesinstitut für Sportwissenschaft, Bonn
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