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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inRiccio, Nina
TitelInvestigate a Viscious Virus, Book 1 [and] Solve the Great Cupcake Caper, Book 2 [and] Banish the Stinkies, Book 3. Five Kids & Monkey[TM], Series One.
Quelle(1997), (96 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lernender; Leitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Child Health; Class Activities; Elementary Education; Health Education; Health Promotion; Learning Activities; Preventive Medicine; Teaching Guides; Viruses
AbstractThis "Five Kids & a Monkey" health education series intended for elementary age students, takes readers on all kinds of adventures. In this first series, the characters explore the inner workings of a human mouth, take a wild ride through a virus command center or race all around town to save their pal Munchie from a terrible case of "health horribilis." Along the way, they're going to need help from readers in deciphering tough codes, uncovering hidden clues, and unraveling riddles. Readers aged 7 to 11 will love following the mazes, completing rhymes, and playing detective as they and the Kids piece together the information needed in order to solve each case. Packed with information and loaded with fun, each 32-page book in the series concludes with experiments and/or activities so learning can continue long after the story has ended. All the while, readers will be using critical thinking and reasoning skills. Lessons in character traits--loyalty, honesty, and responsibility--are threaded through each story. A unit study guide with activity ideas and five reproducible handouts for each book are also available. (SR)
AnmerkungenThe Creative Attic, Inc., P.O. Box 187, Canterbury, NH 03224 (Series, $20.25; Individual books, $7.95 plus $2.75 shipping and handling). Tel: 888-566-6539 (Toll Free); Tel: 603-783-9103; Fax: 603-783-0118.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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