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Autor/inn/enDixon, Terry P.; und weitere
InstitutionCentral Texas Univ., Killeen.
TitelA Colloquium Concerning Instructional Methodologies. Papers presented at the Colloquium Concerning Instructional Methodologies (Killeen, Texas, April 16, 1992).
Quelle(1992), (86 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Cognitive Development; College Instruction; Higher Education; Learning Strategies; Librarians; Library Services; Performance Contracts; Program Evaluation; Reference Services; Student Projects; Teaching Methods
AbstractThis document contains papers and transcripts from a university faculty colloquium which shared views about teaching methods and information on successful approaches. Following a copy of the colloquium announcement and a brief introduction, the main section presents transcripts of the presentations. The first discusses the structure and role of reference services in libraries and the uses of the reference interview. The second talk considers the Socratic teaching method of questions and questioning and includes an analysis of a taxonomy of cognitive development. The third presentation looks at learning contracts and covers the best situations for using them, and how to write the contracts. The fourth presentation addresses the use of projects, particularly their use in student centered learning. This discussion details examples of individual projects, the effect on student motivation, and steps to assist in the development of the project. Appendixes contain a planning memo and copies of handouts and overheads used during the colloquium. Also included in the appendixes are a sample of the evaluation survey and results of that survey. (JB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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