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Autor/inEbaugh, Cameron D.
InstitutionFederal Security Agency, US Office of Education (ED)
TitelEducation in Nicaragua. Bulletin, 1947, No. 6
Quelle(1947), (60 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterHigher Education; Business Education; Physical Education; Elementary Secondary Education; International Cooperation; Latin Americans; Foreign Countries; Educational Change; Teacher Characteristics; Trade and Industrial Education; Educational Development; Special Schools; Military Training; Nursing Education; Agricultural Education; School Supervision; Private Schools; Public Schools; Private Colleges; Program Descriptions; Nicaragua
AbstractThe U.S. Office of Education has undertaken the preparation of a series of basic studies on education in a number of Central and South American countries under the sponsorship of the Interdepartmental Committee on Cultural and Scientific Cooperation. This series of studies is part of a program to promote understanding of educational conditions in the American countries and to encourage cooperation in the field of Inter-American education. The project, a part of a Government-wide program of cultural cooperation under the auspices of the Department of State, was begun in the fall of 1943. This document is based on data gathered by the author in Nicaragua in 1945 and supplemented since then through documentation. Its contents include: (1) Background information on this Central American nation and educational development, from the colonial period to the present time; (2) Elementary education, describing the kindergartens, elementary education proper, teachers, school supervision and plans for elementary school reform; (3) Secondary level education, covering the national institutes and private colleges, private schools and normal schools, as well as commercial education and special activities in the girls' school; (4) Special schools, describing the Military Academy, National School of Nursing, National School of Agriculture, San Juan de Dios Asylum Trade School, National School of Physical Education, The American School, and Schools in the Atlantic Coast region; and (5) Higher education, describing in depth the administration, programs and facilities of the Central University of Nicaragua, and providing brief statements regarding the universities of Leon and Granada, support of higher education, and recent developments in higher education. A bibliography is included. (Contains 23 footnotes and 6 tables.) [Best copy available has been provided.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenUS Office of Education, Federal Security Agency.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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