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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/enBecker-Lausen, Evvie; und weitere
TitelChild Abuse and Revictimization: Depression and Dissociation as Mediator Variables.
Quelle(1992), (11 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCausal Models; Child Abuse; College Students; Depression (Psychology); Higher Education; Predictor Variables
AbstractBased on a review of prior research, a causal model was proposed to explain the relationship between child abuse, dissociation, depression, and revictimization. In the model, dissociation and depression were proposed as mediator variables, developing out of child abuse and leading to revictimization. Subjects were 301 male and female university students. Child abuse was measured using the newly developed Child Abuse and Trauma (CAT) scale and was found to be causally related to both depression and dissociation, as well as both directly and indirectly related to revictimization. Dissociation was the only significant mediator between child abuse and revictimization. These findings support and extend those of other researchers, not only from correlation to causality, but also, from effects of child sexual abuse to effects of a more global, psychological maltreatment. Causal modeling was shown to be a practical means of testing theoretical assumptions related to child abuse effects. Furthermore, the CAT scale demonstrated considerable predictive ability as a measure of the underlying traumatic aspects of childhood maltreatment and thus is a promising heuristic tool. This study showed that in a nonclinical population, across all types of abuse and for both males and females, child maltreatment can have devastating effects on the survivor's life. Further studies are needed to extend the use of this heuristic tool, as well as to continue building a comprehensive theoretical model of the effects of childhood maltreatment. (Author/ABL)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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