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Autor/inRader, Hannelore B.
TitelCreative Library Leadership for the 1990s: Using Team Management To Ensure Two-Way Communication in an Academic Library.
Quelle(1988), (21 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Academic Libraries; Communication (Thought Transfer); Decision Making; Higher Education; Leadership; Library Administration; Library Planning; Library Role; Library Science; Management Teams; Models; Technological Advancement
AbstractArguing that traditional models are no longer effective in the information, age in which change will be a constant, this paper advocates the use of team-management to ensure two-way communication in an academic library. The need for both creative approaches to problem-solving and managing the library organization and a new organizational structure to address the changes brought about by new technologies are discussed, as well as the challenges currently faced by library managers as a result of these changes. The team approach to library management is then discussed with emphasis on the need for a high level of trust and respect in the working environment. A discussion of the roles of the team and its members highlights the importance of the members' commitment to the aims and purposes of the team and the need for good communication skills. A new model for the Cleveland State University Libraries is then described which features a new organizational structure that blends services and softens area demarcations to accommodate the automation of all services, including collection management, information, document delivery, bibliographic, and administrative services, with staff responsibility crossovers. The developmental stages through which the new organizational structure has progressed are described, and it is suggested that decision making, a climate of trust, and communication are crucial to the success of the organizational structure and team management. An organization chart for the Cleveland State University Libraries is attached. (24 references) (CGD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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