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Autor/inCappelli, Peter
InstitutionNational Center on the Educational Quality of the Workforce, Philadelphia, PA.
TitelCollege and the Workplace: How Should We Assess Student Performance? EQW Working Papers.
Quelle(1992), (20 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAcademic Achievement; Adult Education; College Graduates; College Students; Competence; Education Work Relationship; Educational Testing; Grades (Scholastic); Grading; Higher Education; Job Analysis; Job Performance; Job Skills; Predictive Validity; Student Behavior; Student Evaluation; Success
AbstractThe fact that college grades are poor predictors of future job performance is a cause for concern. A more important issue is assessment, for course grades cannot measure many of the work-relevant skills that a college education provides. Selection tests are one effort to identify and establish those characteristics of applicants that predict future job success. If classroom grades could be broken down to reveal performance in such areas as verbal ability or memory, they would be indicative of subsequent job performance because they would essentially duplicate ability tests; ability tests, however, are typically three to four times better at predicting job performance. Another way to obtain information on a job candidate is through what is called "bio-data"; detailed information on extracurricular activities may reveal knowledge, skills, and abilities (KSAs) acquired by a student outside traditional classroom settings. Many colleges experiences provide what is the equivalent of work sample tests. Another way to get at the question of what predicts job success is to look directly at the requirements of jobs. Job analysis refers to systematic efforts to collect information about the work requirements associated with particular jobs. Job analyses either focus descriptions on the job and tasks performed or are written from the perspective of the worker and describe the KSAs required. The basic sets of KSAs could be developed more thoroughly in college instruction. The greatest improvements in assessment could be made by simply assembling existing information about student performance in more innovative ways. An appendix provides descriptions of some of the most widely used job analysis systems and identifies the KSAs that are stressed in them. (Contains 17 endnotes and 32 references.) (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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