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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionTexas State Legislature, Austin. House Committee on Higher Education.
TitelA Report of the Committee on Higher Education to the House of Representatives 73rd Legislature. Texas House of Representatives, Interim Report 1992.
Quelle(1992), (35 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterCollege Students; Enrollment; Financial Needs; Higher Education; Long Range Planning; Mission Statements; Public Policy; State Aid; State Colleges; State Government; State Legislation; State Programs; Statewide Planning; Student Financial Aid; Tuition; Texas
AbstractThis document reports on a range of issues, tasks, and accomplishments of the Committee on Higher Education of the 72nd Texas Legislature of the State of Texas. The report opens by listing charges to the committee in the following areas: (1) tuition and fees and causes and effects of recent increases; (2) need for student financial aid; (3) role, mission, and benefits of Texas State Technical College (TSTC); and (4) enrollment in professional schools in terms of supply and demand. Seven subcommittees (on Enacted Legislation and Texas Performance Review Recommendations, Budget and Oversight, Tuition and Fees, Student Financial Aid, TSTC, Formula Funding and Deferred Maintenance, and Professional Schools) were appointed to study the charges. The bulk of the document takes up the findings and recommendations of each of these subcommittees in turn. In regard to enacted legislation and performance review, it is noted that no hearings were held during the period of the 72nd legislature. The Budget and Oversight subcommittee monitored the actions of the Legislative Budget Office and other trends and indicators. Hearings on tuition and fee increases at institutions in the state system of higher education were held and the subcommittee in that area recommended maintaining the status quo in regard to the current level of tuition and fees using the established schedule which will reach a maximum tuition rate of $32 per semester credit hour in the fall of 1996. Hearings on student financial aid needs resulted in recommendations for additional funding for existing programs and access to financial assistance given to Texas citizens currently unable to qualify for assistance or to afford the rising cost of higher education. (Data on current Texas higher education financial aid programs are appended to this section). The subcommittee on the role of the Texas State Technical College recommended focusing on the statutory roles and missions of TSTC and community colleges and limiting duplication and competition that is damaging to both these resources. The subcommittee on formula funding and deferred maintenance issues recommended maintaining current policies and structure in these areas subject to further study. Finally, recommendations regarding professional school enrollment issues were that the legislature should direct the appropriate agency: (1) to study shortages of primary care and family practice physicians in Texas; and (2) to study shortages of nurses, in order to determine the need for changes in the number of enrollments in these fields. (JB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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