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Autor/inMoran, Robert F., Jr.
TitelCommunication: Essential for Leadership to a Public Good--an Information Infrastructure.
Quelle(1988), (17 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Academic Libraries; Access to Information; Communication Skills; Electronic Publishing; Higher Education; Information Systems; Leadership Qualities; Library Administration; Library Science; Library Services; Models; Public Libraries
AbstractThis paper discusses the central role of effective communication in library leadership and how a leadership role in the library and information community can define and help establish an information infrastructure in our society. The opportunity for this leadership to exist in the convergence of libraries and computer centers is examined in a review of the report "Freedom and Equality of Access to Information" and documentation of the movement of computer centers and libraries toward each other within colleges. Particular attention is called to the Adler/Rodman communication model, the successful use of which would depend largely on effective communication between the two realms of libraries and computer centers. The discussion of this model demonstrates in detail the difficulty of communication in this interface situation and suggests that the librarian wishing to influence the computer center personnel must be sure that: (1) the message itself is clearly communicated without unnecessary information; (2) the message is coded in such a way that it will be decoded accurately; and (3) an appropriate channel is chosen. Additional viewpoints are presented on the challenge to library leadership posed by the merging of libraries and computer centers in the context of leadership toward an information infrastructure involving electronic publishing, communication, and leadership for the public good. (11 references) (CGD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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