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Autor/inWebb, Gisela M.
TitelChanging Organizational Cultures in Libraries through Effective Leadership Communication.
Quelle(1988), (23 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Stellungnahme; Academic Libraries; Career Counseling; Change; Communication Skills; Ethics; Higher Education; Leadership Qualities; Library Administration; Library Personnel; Motivation; Needs Assessment; Rewards; Role Models; Staff Development; Trust (Psychology); Values
AbstractThis paper begins by discussing the need for strong leadership in libraries to create adaptable organizations and to involve employees in the management process. The attributes of the new library leaders who can reach these goals are then discussed. It is suggested that they must: (1) be excellent communicators of values, goals, and new directions; (2) listen carefully to discern emerging organizational and human resource issues; (3) be involved in creating a new organizational culture based on a real need for change in a library; (4) be able to create and sustain a trust relationship with their employees and the environment which they serve; (5) develop an organizational history and analyze and articulate a library's history; (6) be visionary leaders who can communicate a need for change and inspire employees to create fresh and exciting opportunities for themselves and the organization; (7) provide opportunities for professional and personal growth; (8) act as role models; (9) be involved in career counseling; (10) offer carefully designed and implemented reward systems; (11) reinforce core values through appropriate recruitment and orientation of new staff members; (12) communicate their commitment to change in words and sustained action; and (13) possess the skills to implement new organizational and programmatic changes and build the same skills in their staffs. (9 references) (CGD)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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