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Autor/inFishman, Samuel Z.
InstitutionB'nai B'rith, Washington, DC. Hillel Foundations.
TitelGuide to Feature and Documentary Films for the Hillel Program, Newly Revised.
Quelle, (31 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterBibliografie; Adult Education; Annotated Bibliographies; Cultural Awareness; Cultural Education; Documentaries; Educational Resources; Ethnic Studies; Filmographies; Films; Guides; Jews; Secondary Education
AbstractOne hundred eighty films depicting the Nazi period, Soviet Jewry, Jewish artists, the Holocaust, and aspects of Jewish history and archaeology in ancient Israel are annotated. Suggestions are made for using the films as an educational resource--as discussion starters, as lead-ins for interpretation by a knowledgeable faculty member, or in the case of series as the basis for in-depth examination of related themes. Most of the films are at least one hour in length, and are for use at the senior high school level and above. Specific information is given on duration, color, black-white, distributors, and production dates. For each film a short annotation summarizes the plot and describes special features such as famous directors or unusual precautions in the film's use. Program models for group showings are suggested, covering topics such as "The European Experience" and "Issues of Conscience for Contemporary Jews." Organizations are identified which have published guides to audiovisual materials, and major distributors are listed with addresses. (AV)
AnmerkungenB'nai B'rith Hillel Foundations, 1640 Rhode Island Avenue, NW, Washington, D.C. 20036 ($1.00 prepaid)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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