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Autor/inHamblen, Karen A.
TitelResearch and Theories Supporting Art Instruction for Instrumental Outcomes.
Quelle(1992), (31 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterTagungsbericht; Art Education; Cognitive Processes; Curriculum Development; Educational Research; Educational Theories; Elementary Secondary Education; Outcomes of Education; Psychological Studies; Visual Arts
AbstractSome art educators believe that art should be studied for its own intrinsic value, while others believe that art instruction provides instrumental outcomes that are valuable beyond the acquisition of art knowledge and skills per se. This latter group of educators, known as instrumentalists, believe, for example, that the study of art promotes creative thinking, self-awareness, social relations, lower absenteeism, and increased test scores in other subject areas. This paper presents a brief review of theory and research findings that support some of the claims for instrumental outcomes. The paper first discusses research that concerns cognitive characteristics and processes relevant to art instruction. It was found that the cognitive rationales for the study of art as they relate to instrumental outcomes hinged primarily on: (1) the extension of knowing what art per se provides; and (2) the relationship artistic knowing has to knowing in other school subjects. The second half of the paper concerns educational research findings supportive of instrumental rationales. Findings show that the visual arts tend to interest and motivate students, and thus art education may be ideal for many at-risk students. A list of 98 references is included. (DB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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