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Autor/inMcGivney, Veronica
InstitutionNational Inst. of Adult Continuing Education, Leicester (England).
TitelMotivating Unemployed Adults To Undertake Education and Training. Some British and Other European Findings.
Quelle(1992), (81 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Education; Adult Learning; Adults; Educational Research; Enrollment Influences; Foreign Countries; Job Skills; Job Training; Motivation; Participation; Program Descriptions; Program Design; Program Development; Program Effectiveness; Unemployment; Vocational Education; United Kingdom
AbstractResearch from the United Kingdom and other parts of Europe explored the concept of motivation in relation to education and training schemes for the unemployed. Studies suggest that lack of motivation can be explained by socioeconomic status, recent training experience, lack of perceived links between training and jobs or career progression, and perceived risks of participation. Recent reviews of national programs for the unemployed highlighted these problems: insufficient places, inappropriate training responses, discriminatory selection procedures, and separation between education sectors. Current strategies to assist the long-term unemployed in Europe have included guidance and counseling, individualized training plans, prevocational courses, a broader conception of schemes, teaching of general skills, and closer links between sectors. Reports on European initiatives show that programs can attract unskilled and unqualified people if they are based on a realistic understanding of the problems, circumstances, and needs of individuals and if they offer real benefits to offset the perceived risks and costs of participation. An overview of research and practice makes it clear that it is not possible to consider the motivation of individuals with few qualifications or skills in isolation from the economic, social, and educational contexts. (51 references) (YLB)
AnmerkungenNational Institute of Adult Continuing Education, 19B De Montfort Street, Leicester LE1 7GE, England, United Kingdom (9.95 British pounds).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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