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Ariadne Pfad:


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Autor/inn/enGriffin, Patrick; und weitere
TitelDeveloping Competency Rating Scales in Adult Literacy: An Analytical Approach.
Quelle(1990), (12 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAdult Basic Education; Adult Literacy; Competence; Definitions; Developed Nations; Evaluation Methods; Foreign Countries; Literacy Education; Rating Scales; Research Methodology; Australia
AbstractThis paper outlines the conceptual framework underpinning the development of competency rating scales for adult literacy. It provides a rationale for a project that was conducted in Australia during International Literacy Year (1990) to develop appropriate ratings scales to assess adults' literacy and numeracy skills. The paper examines the construct of literacy, defining pragmatic, cultural, functional, survival, or marginal adult literacy and suggesting that there can be many types and levels of literacy. Types of literacy identified include reading, writing, numeracy, document processing, and combined skills. Three levels of literacy are proposed as useful: basic (minimum levels for gaining access to a culture); required (the skills necessary for a given social context, which may change over time); and an improvement level of literacy where an individual is able to take control of his or her life. Since these levels and types of literacy exist, there is a basis for developing a set of rating scales for them, according to the paper. The paper provides several suggested methods of developing competency rating scales and profiles, included the preferred process used in the Australian project in which the starting point was the behaviors exhibited by persons in establishing literacy. (31 references) (KC)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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