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Autor/inErmakov, A. M.
TitelStanovlenie koncepcii istorii Pervoj mirovoj vojny v rossijskich skol'nych ucebnikach (1992-1995 gg.).
Paralleltitel: Formation of the Historical Concept of the First World War in Russian School Textbooks (1992-1995).
QuelleIn: Jaroslavskij pedagogiceskij vestnik, (2014) 2, S. 113-118
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Spracherussisch; englische Zusammenfassung
Dokumenttyponline; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterSchulbuch; Geschichte (Histor); Geschichtsunterricht; Weltkrieg I; Online-Publikation; Russland
AbstractIn the article the process of formation of a new concept of history of the World War I in Post-Soviet school textbooks in the beginning of the 1990-s is analyzed. Insolvency of the Soviet interpretation of history of the War of 1914-1918 became obvious even in the years of reorganization, but attempts to change contents of school textbooks were reduced only to cosmetic changes. The contents of the Russian school textbooks generally developed in 1992-1995. Authors of texts for schoolchildren refused the Marxist paradigm and passed to consideration of history of the War from positions of the civilization approach. The material about the socialist and labour movement in belligerent countries was minimized, in contents of textbooks questions of diplomatic and military history, change in social and economic life of the participating countries of the war, the evolution of the public opinion were put in the forefront. The sections of textbooks devoted to the World War I were full of individuals, new facts, text and visual sources. At the same time the authors evaded to assess the nature of the war and tried to extenuate the fault of Russia in war launching. The World War I in school textbooks appeared as a minor event in comparison with the World War II and the Great Patriotic War. (Orig.).
Erfasst vonLeibniz-Institut für Bildungsmedien | Georg-Eckert-Institut (GEI), Braunschweig
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