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Autor/inn/enLove, Gene M.; Yoder, Edgar P.
InstitutionPennsylvania State Univ., University Park. Coll. of Agriculture.
TitelAn Assessment of Undergraduate Education in American Colleges of Agriculture. Part I: Perceptions of Faculty. Part II: Perceptions of Graduating Seniors. Part III: Perceptions of Other University Students.
Quelle(1989), (107 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterAgricultural Education; College Faculty; College Students; Educational Assessment; Educational Objectives; Higher Education; Institutional Mission; Mission Statements; Program Evaluation; Student Attitudes; Student Evaluation of Teacher Performance; Teacher Attitudes; Undergraduate Study; Universities
AbstractA study documented agriculture faculty members' and students' perceptions regarding statements of undergraduate educational mission and objectives. The study involved a stratified random sample of 50 universities that offer undergraduate degree agriculture programs. A purposive sample of faculty members at each was asked to rate the importance of seven objectives, the objectives' attainment by students, and their own and their colleagues' ability to help students achieve the objectives. A random sample of up to 50 graduating senior agriculture students at each university was asked to rate the extent to which they had achieved the objectives and the degree to which the college/school of agriculture activities had help them achieve the objectives. A random sample of nonagriculture students at each university was asked how they perceived the nature and importance of agriculture, agriculture degrees, and agriculture careers. The following are among the findings reported: (1) faculty agree that all seven of the objectives are important; (2) many faculty lack a mission orientation; (3) few comprehensive assessments of students' attainment of educational objectives are being made; (4) responses from agricultural students indicate that agricultural colleges are contributing significantly to the competency achievements of baccalaureate degree graduates but that many graduates are not receiving a well-rounded undergraduate education; and (5) nonagriculture students seem to equate agriculture with farming and ranching. (The document includes a 15-item bibliography and appendices that contain a statement of undergraduate educational mission, undergraduate objectives, and copies of the faculty and student questionnaires.) (CML)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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