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Autor/inSteinhaus, Arthur H.
InstitutionFederal Security Agency, US Office of Education (ED)
TitelMore Firepower for Health Education. Bulletin, 1945, No. 2
Quelle(1945), (50 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterEducational Environment; Safety; Health Behavior; Health Education; Recreational Activities; Secondary School Teachers; Teacher Role; Teacher Attitudes; Teaching Methods; Pain; Psychological Patterns; Fear; Anxiety; Human Posture; Satisfaction; Motivation; Health Promotion; Wellness; Knowledge Level; Brain
AbstractThis bulletin is committed to the thesis that the success of any educative experience varies as thoughts are or are not accompanied by appropriate feelings; that education must ever be alert to both of these happenings; and that the teacher can influence the feeling phase of an experience even as he can the cognitive phase. In limiting its efforts to a demonstration of this thesis in the area of health, this bulletin is neither a course outline nor a listing of what should be taught. It is an attempt to illustrate for secondary school teachers methods that may help to close the gap that often exist between the health knowledge and the health behavior of individuals. Logically included in this health behavior of individuals are exercise and recreational activities, safety practices, and the many other actions that enhance or jeopardize the protection, development, and maintenance of positive, robust health. Because this bulletin attempts to give practical help on practical problems, it cannot represent simultaneously divergent theories in education. This publication makes no pretense to completeness in the field of methods. It merely illustrates and discusses ways of associating feelings with knowledge that point to a course of action. It lays claim to no new ways of motivating. It merely analyzes and illustrates ways that have long been employed by man in literature and in education, and before him by Mother Nature, to move man and animals to action. This bulletin has been prepared for high school teachers in an effort toward balancing the scales between the methods of scientists and teachers. It represents a point of view which recognizes feeling as equal to knowledge in the learning process. (Contains 1 footnote.) [Best copy available has been provided.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenUS Office of Education, Federal Security Agency.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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