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Sonst. PersonenWarner, David (Hrsg.); Palfreyman, David (Hrsg.)
InstitutionSociety for Research into Higher Education, Ltd., London (England).
TitelHigher Education Management. The Key Elements.
Quelle(1996), (239 Seiten)Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Monographie
SchlagwörterStellungnahme; Administrative Policy; Administrative Principles; Collegiality; Cultural Context; Decision Making; Delivery Systems; Educational Administration; Educational Finance; Educational Planning; Foreign Countries; Higher Education; Investment; Legal Responsibility; Organizational Climate; Personnel Management; Research Administration; Resource Allocation; Services; Strategic Planning; Student Needs; Student Personnel Services; United Kingdom
AbstractThis book presents the views of 15 individual authors on the principles of management in higher education from a British perspective. Preliminary material includes brief biographical sketches of each contributing author and a list of selected abbreviations. Individual chapters are: (1) "Setting the Scene" (David Palfreyman and David Warner); (2) "Organizational Culture" (Sue Dopson and Ian McNay); (3) "Strategic Planning" (Harold Thomas); (4) "Sources of Funds and Resource Allocation" (John Sandbach and Harold Thomas); (5) "Financial Management" (Barry Benjamin); (6) "Decision-Making and Committees" (Paddy Stephenson); (7) "Personnel Management" (Alison Hall); (8) "Student Management" (John Gledhill); (9) "Postgraduate and Research Organization and Management" (John Hogan and Mark Clark); (10) "Estate Management" (David Adamson); (11) "Campus Support Services" (Derek Philips); (12) "Student Support Services" (Russell Rowley); (13) "External Relations" (Frank Albrighton and Julia Thomas); (14) "Academic Support Services" (Colin Harrison); and (15) "Managing Student Learning" (Diana Eastcott and Bob Farmer). An additional brief chapter offers notes on the legal framework within which institutions of higher education operate in the United Kingdom. Suggestions for further reading are included. Finally, a brief overview of the Society for Research into Higher Education is presented. (Contains approximately 350 references.) (CK)
AnmerkungenTaylor & Francis, 1900 Frost Road, Suite 101, Bristol, PA 19007-1598 ($36).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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