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Autor/inn/enThapa, Sandesh; Sotang, Neha; Adhikari, Janak; Ghimire, Anup; Limbu, Anka Kumari; Joshi, Arpana; Adhikari, Sandhya
TitelImpact of COVID-19 Lockdown on Agriculture Education in Nepal: An Online Survey
QuelleIn: Pedagogical Research, 5 (2020) 4, (6 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterForeign Countries; Disease Control; School Closing; Agricultural Education; Outcomes of Education; Distance Education; Online Courses; Web Based Instruction; Internet; Access to Education; College Students; COVID-19; Pandemics; Nepal
AbstractThe official announcement of COVID-19 as a global pandemic on 11 March 2020 by World Health Organization (WHO), the world economy has abruptly declined, billions of people are in lockdown, maintaining self-isolation. In this survey, 150 respondents were selected randomly and this survey intends to highlight the impact of lockdown in agriculture Students on their education along with their response towards pros and cons. This survey shows that maximum respondent, around 52% of them found lockdown beneficial in the sense that it has helped to neutralize the gravity of viral infection and 48% of them doesn't found it beneficial as their educational schedule has been halted. The practical education of a student is disturbed due to lockdown and now they are utilizing this period involving in online courses, training, and webinars. Many of them couldn't have access to the internet to catch the session, thus the government should initiate policy in education through a long term perspective so that no pandemic could interfere with the educational institution in digital world. (As Provided).
AnmerkungenModestum Journals. 1 Windrush Road, DE65 5LB, Hilton, Derbyshire, UK. Tel: +44-783-473-4063; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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