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InstitutionState Council of Higher Education for Virginia
Titel2020 Update: Review of Financial Aid Formulas and Awarding Practices
Quelle(2020), (21 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterStudent Financial Aid; State Aid; Access to Education; Student Costs; Educational Finance; Program Administration; Tuition; Scholarships; Grants; College Students; Virginia
AbstractThe Commonwealth of Virginia provides more than $220 million annually to fund the Commonwealth Award and Virginia Guaranteed Assistance Program (VGAP). These two need-based financial aid programs address affordability and access for in-state undergraduates attending public institutions. As higher education costs continue to increase and the Commonwealth expects the demand for workers with degrees or credentials to grow, it is imperative that state financial aid programs function efficiently and effectively. Tuition revenue used for financial aid is another important tool that addresses student affordability and access and helps institutions meet enrollment goals. This program redirects a portion of tuition revenue paid by students in order to create grants and scholarships. Legislators have expressed concern about the rapid expansion of this non-general fund program over the past 10 to 15 years. This financial aid study reviews and makes recommendations pertaining to funding state financial aid programs, administration of state financial aid programs, tuition revenue for aid and unfunded scholarships, and college access and affordability. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenState Council of Higher Education for Virginia. 101 North 14th Street, James Monroe Building, Richmond, VA 23219. Tel: 804-225-2600; Fax: 804-225-2604; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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