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Autor/inMcDevitt, Ellen
InstitutionSouth Hills Literacy Improvement Center, Bethel Park, PA.
TitelAn In-Service Math Instruction Program for Tutors. Final Report.
Quelle(1993), (90 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Adult Basic Education; Annotated Bibliographies; Literacy Education; Material Development; Mathematics Instruction; Mathematics Skills; Numeracy; Program Development; Tutors; Volunteer Training; Workshops
AbstractAn inservice training program for tutors was developed that was based on a review of existing math materials for students at the 5-8 grade level and an analysis of the results of standardized math tests administered to literacy students in Allegheny County, Pennsylvania. Nearly 100 adult literacy students were tested in Fall 1992. Results were compiled into a profile of the math instruction needs of the adults tested. Based on that profile, a training program was developed for literacy tutors, and inservice programs were provided in May and June 1993. A tutor manual and packet of manipulatives were developed and provided to each workshop participant. Each participant completed an evaluation of the training. A 62-page annotated bibliography of math instructional materials was developed and included with the tutor training materials. Project participants concluded that all student instruction must begin at the same point, no matter what the presumed level of knowledge might be. The instructional package developed was effective and beneficial to participants, but they requested more examples and anecdotal information. (The eight-page report is followed by these appendixes: list of needed specific math competencies; checklist for reviewing textbooks; master prescription sheet for sample and list of objectives ranked in descending order of need; annotated bibliography; and the handbook with materials on place value; fractions, decimals, and percents; problem solving; word problems; and practical applications. Contains 36 references.) (YLB)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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