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Sonst. PersonenKolikant, Yifat Ben-David (Hrsg.); Martinovic, Dragana (Hrsg.); Milner-Bolotin, Marina (Hrsg.)
TitelSTEM teachers and teaching in the digital era.
Professional expectations and advancement in the 21st century schools.
QuelleCham, Switzerland: Springer (2020), xvi, 324 S.
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BeigabenIllustrationen; farbige Illustrationen 50
Dokumenttyponline; gedruckt; Monographie
ISBN978-3-030-29395-6; 978-3-030-29396-3; 978-3-030-29397-0; 978-3-030-29398-7
SchlagwörterKommunikation; Digitale Medien; Medieneinsatz; Mediennutzung; Lehrer; Lernen; Lernumgebung; Motivation; Lehren; Peer Group; Lernplattform; Schulbuch; Digitalisierung; Informatikunterricht; Mathematikunterricht; Naturwissenschaftlicher Unterricht; Technikunterricht; Israel; Kanada
AbstractThere is a growing expectation that the 21st century STEM teachers re-examine their teaching philosophies and adjust their practices to reflect the increasing role of digital technologies. This expectation presents a significant challenge to teachers, who are often asked to implement novel technology-rich pedagogies they did not have a chance to experience as students or become comfortable with. To exacerbate this challenge, the 21st century teachers function not only in a frequently-changing educational reality manifested by continuous reforms, but are also bombarded by often contradictory and competing demands from the legislators, administrators, parents, and students. How do we break the vicious circle of reforms and support STEM teachers in making a real change in student learning? This book is unique for at least three reasons. First, it showcases research situated in Israel and Canada that examines the challenges today's teachers and teacher-educators face in their practice. While the governments of both countries emphasize STEM education, their approaches are different and thus provide for interesting comparisons. Second, in addition to including research-based chapters, prominent scholars discuss the contributions in each of the book sections, problematizing the issues from a global perspective. Third, technology has a potential to empower teachers in this era of change, and this book provides the unique insights from each country, while allowing for comparisons, discussing solutions, and asking new questions. (DIPF/Orig.).
Erfasst vonDIPF | Leibniz-Institut für Bildungsforschung und Bildungsinformation, Frankfurt am Main
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