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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inn/enHahn, Karla L.; Faulkner, Lila A.
TitelEvaluative Usage-Based Metrics for the Selection of E-Journals.
QuelleIn: College & Research Libraries, 63 (2002) 3, S.215-27Verfügbarkeit 
Dokumenttypgedruckt; Zeitschriftenaufsatz
SchlagwörterAcademic Libraries; Benchmarking; Content Analysis; Electronic Journals; Evaluation Methods; Higher Education; Library Material Selection; Library Research; Library Standards; Library Statistics; Scholarly Journals; Value Judgment
AbstractExplores electronic journal usage statistics and develops three metrics and three benchmarks based on those metrics. Topics include earlier work that assessed the value of print journals and was modified for the electronic format; the evaluation of potential purchases; and implications for standards development, including the need for content measures. (Author/LRW)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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