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Autor/inEgan, Kieran
TitelAn Imaginative Approach to Teaching
Quelle(2005), (272 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Teaching Methods; Elementary Secondary Education; Student Development; Imagination; Creative Thinking; Thinking Skills; Lesson Plans; Literacy; Emotional Experience; Abstract Reasoning; Instructional Materials
AbstractIn this book, the author demonstrates how teachers can transform the experience of K-12 students and help them become more knowledgeable and more creative in their thinking. At the core of this transformative process is imagination which can become the heart of effective learning if it is tied to education's central tasks. The book offers an understanding of how students' imaginations work in learning and shows how the acquisition of cognitive tools drives students' educational development. This approach engages both the imagination and emotions. The author demonstrates how knowledge comes to life in students' minds if it is introduced in the context of human hopes, fears, and passions. To facilitate this educational approach, the book includes a variety of teaching tools (such as story, rhythm, play, opposition, agency, and meta-narrative understanding) that value and build upon the way children understand their experiences. Egan provides frameworks for lesson planning and more than a dozen sample lessons to show how teachers can use these tools to awaken intelligence and imagination in the classroom. Following an introduction entitled, "Imagination Underfoot," this book presents the following chapters: (1) A Tool Kit for Learning; (2) A Tool Kit for Literacy; and (3) A Tool Kit for Theoretic Thinking. Each chapter is followed by a "half chapter" providing examples in everyday classrooms. A conclusion entitled, "Imagination Every Day," a bibliography, and an index are also included. The following are appended: (A) Mythic Framework; (B) Romantic Framework; and (C) Philosophic Framework. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenJossey-Bass, An Imprint of Wiley. 10475 Crosspoint Blvd, Indianapolis, IN 46256. Tel: 877-762-2974; Fax: 800-597-3299; e-mail:; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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