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Autor/inn/enMarlow, Leslie; Inman, Duane
TitelActivating the Primary Social Studies Classroom: A Standards-Based Sourcebook for K-4
Quelle(2005), (202 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Unterricht; Lehrer; Childrens Literature; Social Studies; Elementary Education; Academic Standards; Guides; Internet; Experiential Learning; Teaching Methods; Scoring Rubrics; Class Activities; Cultural Awareness; Washington
AbstractIn this educational era of increasing emphasis on student performance, there is a definite shortage of high-interest resources through which teachers can effectively address the ten standards identified by the National Council for the Social Studies (NCSS). Teachers need ideas for simple, low-cost activities, which they can do with their students to allow social studies learning to occur in an interesting, engaging manner. Now there is a resource designed with hands-on learning opportunities that are aligned with the NCSS standards. Included in this sourcebook are: (1) Assessment rubrics; (2) Student and professional technology resources; (3) Descriptions of various instructional models; (4) An appendix containing background information to facilitate the users understanding of certain activities; and (5) A glossary of specialty terms and concepts used. Each activity, which addresses multiple standards, can be used for enrichment or to accommodate students with various needs. The activities feature: (1) Recommendations for interesting children's literature; (2) Links to web sites related to each activity; and (3) Suggestions for adaptations or extensions to effectively meet the needs of specific students. This sourcebook will be of interest to pre-service and in-service elementary teachers who want to enliven their classrooms with student involvement and interest in social studies topics. This book is organized into the following sections: (1) Culture; (2) Time, Continuity, and Change; (3) People, Places, and Environments; (4) Individual Development and Identity; (5) Individuals, Groups, and Institutions; (6) Power, Authority, and Governance; (7) Production, Distribution, and Consumption; (8) Science, Technology, and Society; (9) Global Connections; and (10) Civic Ideals and Practices. The following are appended: (1) Assessment and Evaluation; (2) Magazines, Periodicals, and Professional Organizations; and (3) Background Information. (ERIC).
AnmerkungenRowman & Littlefield Publishing Group, 4501 Forbes Blvd., Suite 200, Lanham, MD 20706. Tel: 800-462-6420 (Toll Free).
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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