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Ariadne Pfad:


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InstitutionVirginia State Dept. of Education, Richmond.
TitelStandards of Learning Objectives for Virginia Public Schools. Health Including Driver Education. Revised 1990.
Quelle(1990), (49 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterLeitfaden; Alcohol Abuse; Communicable Diseases; Disease Control; Driver Education; Drug Abuse; Educational Objectives; Elementary Secondary Education; First Aid; Health Education; Health Promotion; Mental Health; Nutrition Instruction; Public Education; Safety Education; State Curriculum Guides; State Standards; Wellness; Virginia
AbstractThis application of Virginia's Standards of Learning Objectives establishes a framework for health education and driver education instruction in the public schools to help students acquire the knowledge, skills, and attitudes necessary for success in school and for a productive life in the years beyond. The standards, which were developed and revised with the aid of teachers, supervisors, administrators, teacher educators, and representatives of state and volunteer health agencies and organizations, are intended to provide parents and other citizens with a better understanding of what students are expected to learn. Following a listing of 12 goals of health education, specific learning objectives are outlined for kindergarten through tenth grade. Topics covered include alcohol and other drugs; disease prevention and control; mental health; nutrition; personal health, growth, and wellness; and safety and first aid. A list of Department of Education staff and members of the revision committee are included. (ND)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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