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Ariadne Pfad:


Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

InstitutionConnecticut Univ., Storrs. Inst. for Social Inquiry.
TitelPerception and Use of Libraries: A View from the Connecticut Public.
Quelle(1990), (38 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterQuantitative Daten; Attitudes; Community Information Services; Interviews; Library Research; Library Services; Opinions; Public Libraries; Reference Services; Referral; State Surveys; Statistical Analysis; Use Studies; User Needs (Information); User Satisfaction (Information); Connecticut
AbstractThis report summarizes some of the key findings of a survey of the Connecticut public that was conducted as part of the Year of the Library Project by the Institute for Social Inquiry at the University of Connecticut. The purpose of the study was to explore public attitudes that might be relevant to improve and broaden use of library services. The study was based on telephone interviews of 500 randomly selected respondents, who were contacted in the fall of 1989. The margin of error for the study was about plus or minus 5%. Results of the study are discussed under four headings: (1) basic perceptions and awareness of library services as indicated by library card ownership and library visitation, and personal information including the gender, education, and race of patrons; (2) general attitude toward libraries as measured by the respondents' sense of the importance of the library, reasons for not using the library, frequency of borrowing books and less traditional materials, and use of reference services; (3) use of specialized services, such as nonresident library use and interlibrary loan, and perceptions of the importance of such services and the development of children's library skills; and (4) a service inventory that asked respondents to comment on the importance of specific, less-traditional services such as services for the homebound, reading instruction, access to computers and FAX machines, providing community information and referrals to community agencies, and telephone reference. The exact text of the 60-question survey is included along with the numbers and percentages of responses for each question broken down by such variables as gender, education, age, race, access to library card, library visitation, senior citizen and disability status, and area of residence. (KRN)
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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