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Literaturnachweis - Detailanzeige

Autor/inHowley, Craig
InstitutionERIC Clearinghouse on Rural Education and Small Schools, Charleston, WV.
TitelBriefs for Parents in Ready-to-Copy Form.
Quelle(1990), (22 Seiten)
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ReiheERIC Publications
Spracheenglisch; spanisch
Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterElementary Secondary Education; Mathematics Education; Parent Education; Parent Participation; Parent Role; Reading Improvement; Rural Education; School Size; Sex Differences; Small Schools; Student Financial Aid; Television Viewing; Writing Improvement
AbstractThis document consists of a compilation of 12 brief articles prepared as "fillers" for rural newsweeklies. Six of the briefs (the first six listed below) are provided in both English and Spanish language versions. These camera-ready slicks inform readers about current educational research and practice. "Starve an Addict, Feed a Reader!" discusses the negative effects of television on children's reading achievement and suggests household rules parents can make to help limit TV time. "Why Bother: Aren't We Too Poor To Send the Kids to College?" helps parents to learn about financial aid for low-income students. "Shouldn't We Leave Schooling to the Professionals?" discusses the importance of parents' role in children's education and describes ERIC as an information resource for parents. "Aren't Big Schools Better than Small Schools?" describes the benefits of small schools, especially for rural areas. "What Can Parents Do To Help Their Children Write Well?" offers tips for parents who want to coach their children in their writing. "Who Says Math Is For Boys?" encourages parents and educators to promote girls' interest in math. "Why Do Parents Like Some Teachers More Than Others?" emphasizes the teacher's role in bridging parents and schools. "Keeping Track: Aren't Grades Enough?" advises parents to understand test scores. "What Does It Take to Do Well in School?" helps parents organize children's learning. "Can Parents Get More Out of School Meeting?" shows how to direct a school meeting to problem-solving. "Is Reading So Important Anymore?" stresses the key role of reading in learning and offers ways by which parents help children read. "Why Don't Our Children Like Math?" discusses making math interesting to children by game play. (TES)
AnmerkungenERIC/CRESS, Appalachia Educational Laboratory, P.O. Box 1348. Charleston, WV 25325.
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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