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Autor/inn/enWhitebook, Marcy; Kipnis, Fran; Bellm, Dan
TitelDisparities in California's Child Care Subsidy System: A Look at Teacher Education, Stability and Diversity
Quelle(2007), (19 Seiten)
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Dokumenttypgedruckt; online; Monographie
SchlagwörterEducational Vouchers; Low Income Groups; Child Care; Preschool Evaluation; State Programs; State Surveys; Financial Support; Teacher Education; Teacher Persistence; Faculty Mobility; Diversity (Institutional); Cultural Differences; Comparative Analysis; Program Effectiveness; California
AbstractIn California today, many licensed early care and education (ECE) programs--and a large number of license-exempt providers--receive public dollars to care for children of low-income families. While, a generation ago, the term "subsidized child care" carried a very specific meaning, referring to certain forms of center-based care that were required to meet higher standards, it is now a much more general term covering the entire regulatory and programmatic spectrum. As a result, because of this diversity of requirements due to two different licensing standards, it is important to understand whether there are significant differences in the quality of early education and care that subsidy-eligible children receive, depending on what is available to and/or preferred by their families. This policy brief focuses on differences in staff characteristics between licensed centers that receive public dollars solely through vouchers, and those that receive public dollars through a contract with Head Start or the California Department of Education. Specifically, the authors focus on three issues--professional preparation, staff stability (turnover and tenure), and staff diversity (including ethnicity and language)--using findings from the California Early Care and Education Workforce Study (Whitebook et al., 2006a&b). While the findings do not definitively speak to the quality of various programs that receive public subsidy, they do suggest considerable differences in staffing across sectors and types of center-based care. (Contains 5 footnotes, 17 figures, and 3 tables.) [This report was produced by the Center for the Study of Child Care Employment at the University of California at Berkeley. Support for this report was provided by First 5 California.] (ERIC).
AnmerkungenCenter for the Study of Child Care Employment. Institute of Industrial Relations, University of California at Berkeley, 2521 Channing Way #5555, Berkeley, CA 94720. Tel: 510-643-7091; Web site:
Erfasst vonERIC (Education Resources Information Center), Washington, DC
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